Thursday, September 15, 2011

Charity: trait of the believers

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Research in psychology shows that giving to charity makes us happier. Charity is mentioned very early in the Quran as one of the traits of the believers. God encourages charities for the growth and purification of our souls. Charity we give is to please God, and for the benefit of our own souls (Quran 2:261, 2:272).

The Best Investment

[Quran 2:261] The example of those who spend their monies in the cause of GOD is that of a grain that produces seven spikes, with a hundred grains in each spike. GOD multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.

Investments in this world do not return a yield of over 700 times and more (equivalent to 70,000%). That’s what God promises us in 2:261. All praise be to God. Our worship, our prayers and our charities are only for the sake of God.

[Quran 76:8-9] They donate their favorite food to the poor, the orphan, and the captive. "We feed you for the sake of GOD; we expect no reward from you, nor thanks.




Friday, September 9, 2011

The Night of Destiny

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

The month of fasting (Ramadan) this year (2011; or 1431 in the Islamic calendar) has been completed. We are thankful to God for the blessing to grow our souls and appreciate the gift of guidance He has given us through the Quran (2:185).

The night of Ramadan 27 (i.e., the night between the 26th and 27th fasts) is the Night of Destiny. In the lunar calendar, the day begins at sunset. So the Night of the 27th, precedes the 27th fast. The Night of Destiny is an extremely important night for Submitters to God (Muslims). It is the night in which the Holy Quran, was revealed from the Lord of the Universe to Prophet Muhammad.

Some submitters take advantage of this night to gain extra credit for the soul by spending the night commemorating God the Almighty (and doing other forms of worship like meditation or reading Quran), either in their privacy, or in a masjid with other submitters.

[Quran 97:1] We revealed it in the Night of Destiny.*
[97:2] How awesome is the Night of Destiny!
[97:3] The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months.
[97:4] The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by their Lord's leave, to carry out every command.
[97:5] Peaceful it is until the advent of the dawn.
*97:1 The Quran was placed into Muhammad's soul on the 27th night of Ramadan, 13 B.H. (Before Hijrah). See also 17:1, 44:3, 53:1-18, and Appendix 28.

God encourages us in the Quran to meditate every night for extra credit (Quran 17:79), reminding us it’s better for our souls (Quran 39:9).

[Quran 39:9] Is it not better to be one of those who meditate in the night, prostrating and staying up, being aware of the Hereafter, and seeking the mercy of their Lord? Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.

[Quran 17:79-80] During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank. And say, "My Lord, admit me an honorable admittance, and let me depart an honorable departure, and grant me from You a powerful support."

Many of us, out of our human weakness or with worldly commitments cannot do much in the way of meditation every night. The Night of Destiny is an encouragement for our souls, to be able to do it and perhaps repeat it more often during the year with God’s help.


Night of Destiny
Religious Duties, A Gift from God


Monday, August 22, 2011

Avoiding the Tools of the Devil

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

We learn from the Quran that the devil is our most ardent enemy (Quran 36:60), and will do everything in his power to get us off God's path (Quran 7:16-17). The devil is the definition of pure evil, and hence sees no compassion, no kindness, and no mercy. His primary goal in this life is to lead as many humans astray as he can.

The devil's nature is to be sneaky and full of deceit (Quran 7:27). Instead of telling us to disbelieve in God outright, he may try to lure us off the path by telling us to be rude and arrogant (Quran 17:53) or have us believe intoxicants (e.g., wine) in moderation is in fact good for us (Quran 5:90).

[Quran 17:63-65] He said, "Then go; you and those who follow you will end up in Hell as your requital; an equitable requital.
"You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises is no more than an illusion.
"As for My servants, you have no power over them." Your Lord suffices as an advocate.

We must devote ourselves absolutely to God Alone (Quran 15:40, 37:160, 38:83) and stay away from all the devil's invitations. This is the first commandment in all the scriptures.

The Devil is the Other Alternative

[Quran 36:60-61] Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not worship the devil? That he is your most ardent enemy? And that you shall worship Me alone? This is the right path.

[Quran 37:40] Only GOD's servants who are absolutely devoted to Him alone (will be saved).

[Quran 7:29] Say, "My Lord advocates justice, and to stand devoted to Him alone at every place of worship. You shall devote your worship absolutely to Him alone. Just as He initiated you, you will ultimately go back to Him."

[Quran 6:162-163] Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe. He has no partner. This is what I am commanded to believe, and I am the first to submit."

[Mark 12:29-30] The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

[Deuteronomy 6:5] You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

Reference: Tools of the devil


Happiness: Live a God-centric life to find it

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Everyone is looking for happiness. But most look for happiness in the wrong places, such as the materials of this world.

Happiness comes from God, and is a quality of the soul, not the body. A successful person in this life, may have all the cars, houses, fame, and riches that can be imagined, but will still be unhappy if they don’t have God in their lives.

Worldly Materials Are Nil

[Quran 9:85] Do not be impressed by their money or their children; GOD causes these to be sources of misery for them in this world, and their souls depart as disbelievers.

[Quran 92:5-7] As for him who gives to charity and maintains righteousness. And upholds the scripture. We will direct him towards happiness.
[Quran 92:8-11] But he who is stingy, though he is rich. And disbelieves in the scripture. We will direct him towards misery. His money cannot help him when he falls.

[Quran 10:62] Absolutely, GOD's allies have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
[10:63] They are those who believe and lead a righteous life.
[10:64] For them, joy and happiness in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. This is GOD's unchangeable law. Such is the greatest triumph.
*10:62-64 Most people think that they have to wait until the Day of Resurrection before they receive their rewards for righteousness, or the retribution for wickedness. But the Quran repeatedly assures the believers that they are guaranteed perfect happiness here in this world, now and forever. At the end of their interim here, they go directly to Paradise (see Appendix 17).

The secret of happiness is in a well-developed and nourished soul. To be happy, we have to make a choice to be with God whole-heartedly, and nourish our souls through righteousness.

[Quran 20:130] Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset. And during the night glorify Him, as well as at both ends of the day, that you may be happy.

Guaranteed Happiness Now and Forever
[Quran 16:97] Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense (on the Day of Judgment) for their righteous works.

[Psalms 1:1-2] Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.

Reference: Living a Godcentric life for Happiness


Ramadan a gift from God to grow our souls

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Ramadan, the month of fasting, comes to a close at the end of August. Currently, we are in the period referred to in the Quran as the “Last ten nights” (Quran 89:2, 2:187). Many submitters to God (Muslims) use this time to remember God frequently, commemorate His name, and meditate on God. Even if we cannot spend the ten nights in retreat, God gives us the Night of Destiny as a yet another opportunity to stay up all night and meditate on His name (17:79, 50:40, 20:130, 39:9, 26:218, 73:1-6, 73:20, 76:26).

[Quran 17:79-80] During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank. And say, "My Lord, admit me an honorable admittance, and let me depart an honorable departure, and grant me from You a powerful support."

Religious duties are a gift from God to us, that we may grow our souls. God provides us Ramadan as a religious practice, and consequently an opportunity for us to grow our souls. By following His commandment to fast, we place the body in service of the soul, and in submission to God. With God’s help, we also use it as a time to express our appreciation for the guidance in Quran.

[Quran 2:185] Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

With Ramadan (the month of fasting) approaching, many submitters to God focus on developing their souls. One of the means God gives us for soul growth is charity.

[Quran 3:133-134] You should eagerly race towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise whose width encompasses the heavens and the earth; it awaits the righteous, who give to charity during the good times, as well as the bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD loves the charitable.

A good opportunity suggested by submitters is to build drinking water wells for the needy in Africa.
More information at "Water: Life Giving Charity"  (direct donation link)

Article: Charities of the Believer

Ramadan 2011: Dates & info


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Deformed, Retarded, Famine-stricken children

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

A difficult question for those who believe in God to answer is, "If God is just and merciful, why does He afflict innocent children?" This question has been asked in many forms by atheists and those who believe alike. For example, the common “Problem of evil” is a broader version of this question.

The Quran tells us that Satan is solely responsible for evil and such calamities; they reflect Satan's incompetence as a designated temporary ruler of this world. Satan is trying very hard to make his kingdom, this world, perfect, but he just can't do it.

God gave us free will (Quran 33:72), and with that free will comes the ability to choose either evil or good. It is not free will if God forces us all to do only good or forces us to love or worship him.

God does not inflict an atom's weight of injustice (Quran 4:40).

Divine Justice

[Quran 4:40] GOD does not inflict an atom's weight of injustice. On the contrary, He multiplies the reward manifold for the righteous work, and grants from Him a great recompense.

Article: Deformed, Retarded, Famine-stricken children 


Monday, July 18, 2011

The Elite of the Elite

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

We grew up in the midst of corrupted Islam with tons upon tons of satanic teachings. Then God bestowed His grace upon us and saved us from a horrible fate—eternal Hell. How fortunate can one get?

[Quran 56:10-14] Then there is the elite of the elite. They are those who will be closest (to God). In the gardens of bliss. Many from the first generations.* Few from the later generations.
*56:13-40 People who believe and nourish their souls through worshiping God alone are destined for the High Heaven. The contemporary followers of each messenger invariably suffer persecution from the traditionalists and adherents of the corrupted religion. Thus, they have a special place reserved for them in the High Heaven. All people who die before the age of 40 go to the Lower Heaven, at least (46:15).

Satan's job is to keep trying to divert us from the truth and the purified message.

May God protect us and ...
[Quran 1:6-7] Guide us in the right path; the path of those whom You blessed; not of those who have deserved wrath, nor of the strayers.

Article: Elite of the Elite (56:10) A Most Fortunate Generation


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Righteous go straight to Heaven


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

The conventional understanding is souls of believers and disbelievers must await the Day of Judgment to enter Paradise or Gehenna. In other words, the Day of Judgment is when people realize their final destiny.

The Quran gives us great news—the righteous do not really die. When their lives on this earth come to the predetermined end, their souls are invited to go straight to Heaven. All praise be to God.

There are signs to this effect throughout Quran (2:25, 2:154, 3:169, 8:24, 22:58, 36:26-27, 44:56, etc.).

The Righteous Go Straight to Paradise*

[Quran 36:26-27] (At the time of his death) he was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "Oh, I wish my people knew. That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable."
*36:26 The righteous do not really die; they simply move on to the same Paradise where Adam & Eve lived. They join the prophets, saints, and martyrs in an active and utopian life (see App. 17).

[Quran 3:169] Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; they are alive at their Lord, being provided for.

Sourced from:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Myth of Intercession

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Consider this scenario: the President found a staff member, Azzy, accepted a $10 million bribe and was corrupt. He decides to fire him, but another employee, Abe, attempts to intercede saying, "he's a nice guy, let him keep working for you".

What words would you use to describe this intercession? Is it fair or just? What kind of example does it set for others? What would the President think of Abe for supporting a corrupt official? It does not make sense. And if the “President” in question, is the President of the Universe, God, there’s no circumstance in which Abe would know more than God. God’s decision would be made on complete information, and as the only one qualified to judge among His servants (Quran 39:46).

Yet, some believe intercession will allow Jesus or Muhammad to change God's mind. Would not God already know if someone deserves Heaven?

Why would Jesus, Abraham or Muhammad even wish to intercede for someone who God says is a bad person? We learn from Quran that all intercession belongs to God" (Quran 39:44). Even Abraham, God's beloved servant, could not intercede on behalf of his father (Quran 9:114). Nor could Muhammad intercede on behalf of his relatives (Quran 9:80). Why would they even try to intercede on behalf of strangers?

[Quran 39:44] Say, "All intercession belongs to GOD." To Him belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be returned.



The Myth of Intercession

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mountains as Stabilizers


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

imageThe mountains God created submit to His will (Quran 33:72, 34:10). Humans are struck by their awe-inspiring beauty and humbled by their majesty. Mountains also serve a very important role in the earth's design—providing balance and stability.

Mountains are the source of rivers that provide much of the world’s fresh water. They influence weather patterns and rainfall. They are a refuge for humans and home to many plants and animals. Some of these species do not live elsewhere, while others (like potatoes and corn) originated in mountains but have been adapted by man to be cultivated on a global scale. Praise be to God for His design.

[Quran 78:6-7] Did we not make the earth habitable? And the mountains stabilizers?

[Quran 15:19-20] As for the earth, we constructed it, and placed on it stabilizers (mountains), and we grew on it a perfect balance of everything. We made it habitable for you,* and for creatures you do not provide for.
*15:20 When we send astronauts into space, we provide them with precisely measured quantities of food, water, and oxygen. God created the spaceship Earth with billions of astronauts who work and reproduce; He supplied them with a self-supporting system that generates oxygen, fresh water, and a great variety of delicious foods and drinks.



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Meditation: Another great way to Remember God

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Which one of us would like to be raised to an honorable rank with God? If your answer was, "I would", then meditation is an activity that should be on your daily list. God tells us in the Quran:

[Quran 17:79] During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank.

[Quran 39:9] Is it not better to be one of those who meditate in the night, prostrating and staying up, being aware of the Hereafter, and seeking the mercy of their Lord?…


Meditation: Another Great way to worship God

Meditation: Another great way to Remember God

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Which one of us would like to be raised to an honorable rank with God? If your answer was, "I would", then meditation is an activity that should be on your daily list. God tells us in the Quran:

[Quran 17:79] During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank.

[Quran 39:9] Is it not better to be one of those who meditate in the night, prostrating and staying up, being aware of the Hereafter, and seeking the mercy of their Lord?…


Meditation: Another Great way to worship God

Friday, June 10, 2011

Animals—smarter than we think?


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Quran has a story of Solomon and the hoopoe. As the story goes, one day Solomon was out and about with his troops. Not just ordinary troops, his special forces included a contingent of birds. One of the birds, a hoopoe, was missing from action. When the hoopoe returned, Solomon demanded an explanation. The hoopoe’s story was that he scouting the land of Sheba and had news for him. Solomon was not convinced of the hoopoe’s honesty, and put the hoopoe to the test.

The first thing that stands out of course is that, “Wow, God taught Solomon the knowledge of bird language”. But then, we also notice that he feels the hoopoe is capable of lying. Why is this significant?

In the past, researchers felt that primates were perhaps the only creatures capable of deception. Later studies showed that other animals, including squirrels, were capable of tactical deception. Why is this a big deal? Deception is not a simple act, it requires a lot of thinking as one blogger notes.

True deception assumes the deceiver knows that (1) other beings have minds, (2) different beings’ minds can believe different things are true (when only one of these is actually true), and (3) you can make another mind believe that something false is actually true. (Source: Mindful Hack)

Back to the story of Solomon. The Quran puts in print back in 600-650AD that animals were capable of meta-cognitive thought. Not only are they aware of themselves, they are aware of others and can ascribe motivation or intention to them and change their own actions and words accordingly.

In this context, the story of Solomon and the ant is fascinating. We post the Quranic verses below:

David and Solomon

[Quran 27:15-19] We endowed David and Solomon with knowledge, and they said, "Praise GOD for blessing us more than many of His believing servants." ● Solomon was David's heir. He said, "O people, we have been endowed with understanding the language of the birds, and all kinds of things have been bestowed upon us. This is indeed a real blessing." ● Mobilized in the service of Solomon were his obedient soldiers of jinns and humans, as well as the birds; all at his disposal. ● When they approached the valley of the ants, one ant said, "O you ants, go into your homes, lest you get crushed by Solomon and his soldiers, without perceiving."*

*27:18-19 The more unusual the events in a given sura, the stronger the mathematical evidence supporting them. This helps assure us that such strange phenomena are indicative of God's power. This sura's initials, T.S., constitute a complex part of the mathematical miracles related to the Quranic initials. The unusual birth and miracles of Jesus are in Sura 19, which is prefixed with five Quranic Initials. See Appendix 1 for the details.

The story tells us that the ant is aware of Solomon, the different troops with him, and that their intentions were not to crush them but they may accidentally do so. The ant also provides her companions with an effective solution to the march of Solomon’s army overhead. Solomon, furthermore was able to hear and understand the ant (Quran 27:19)!

[Quran 27:19] He smiled and laughed at her statement,* and said, "My Lord, direct me to be appreciative of the blessings You have bestowed upon me and my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Admit me by Your mercy into the company of Your righteous servants."


The Quran has many verses that tell us the animals submit to God (Quran 22:18, 24:41, 6:38), glorify Him and worship Him. While humans may not necessarily understand animals or their behavior, they have been designed to fulfill certain roles on the planet and they go about their roles in complete Submission to God Alone.

[Quran 22:18] Do you not realize that to GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people? Many others among the people are committed to doom. Whomever GOD shames, none will honor him. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.

[Quran 24:41] Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies GOD, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.


Animals and Birds: Submitting Creatures*

[Quran 6:38] All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings, are communities like you. We did not leave anything out of this book.** To their Lord, all these creatures will be summoned.

*6:38 Animals were among the creatures who took advantage of God's offer to repent after committing the original sin (see the Introduction).
**6:38 All information relevant to our eternal life of the Hereafter is contained in the Quran. The true believers accept, without hesitation, God's assertion: "We did not leave anything out of this book." The importance of this statement, and similar statements, is reflected in the fact that each of them consists of 19 Arabic letters (Appendix 19).


All praise be to God, Lord of the Universe!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monotheism—A Natural Instinct placed into the people by God?

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Almost every culture among the tens of thousands that we have come across, has a concept of a divine being—one who creates and protects and provides. Across time and place, communities have been aware of and have worshipped one or more deities. Some have a monotheistic form of worship (e.g., Judaism, Christianity or Submission to God), and others worship a pantheon of gods (e.g., sects in Hinduism, or historically—the Greeks and Romans).

Research at Oxford University shows that belief in God and the Hereafter is part of human nature.

Not surprisingly, this is what the Quran tells us too—that that monotheism is “the natural instinct placed into the people by God” (Quran 30:30). Science invariably confirms what the Quran says (see for example an article on Quran & Science and other articles on scientific signs in Quran). All praise be to God.

Monotheism: Natural Instinct*

[Quran 30:30] Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by GOD. Such creation of GOD will never change. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.

*30:30 Recognizing God ALONE as our Lord and Master is a natural instinct. We are born into this world with such an instinct. See 7:172-173 and Appendix 7.

Reference: One Message, ONE GOD!


Monotheism—A Natural Instinct placed into the people by God?

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Almost every culture among the tens of thousands that we have come across, has a concept of a divine being – one who creates and protects and provides. Across time and place, communities have been aware of and have worshipped some deity. Some have a monotheistic form of worship (e.g., Judaism, Christianity or Submission to God / Islam), and others worship a pantheon of gods (e.g., sects in Hinduism, or historically—the Greeks and Romans).

Research at Oxford University shows that belief in God and the Hereafter is part of human nature.

Not surprisingly, this is what the Quran tells us too—that that monotheism is “the natural instinct placed into the people by God” (Quran 30:30). Science invariably confirms what the Quran says (see for example an article on Quran & Science and other articles on scientific signs in Quran). All praise be to God.

Monotheism: Natural Instinct*

[Quran 30:30] Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by GOD. Such creation of GOD will never change. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.

*30:30 Recognizing God ALONE as our Lord and Master is a natural instinct. We are born into this world with such an instinct. See 7:172-173 and Appendix 7.

Reference: One Message, ONE GOD!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

What are our Goals for the Soul?


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

What would God say about my soul if I died tomorrow? How would I plan my life if I had only one day to live, or one month? Do I have goals in place for the soul-work ahead?

God tells us the purpose of creation (Quran 45:22, 51:56). It makes sense to plan ahead and focus our lives on achieving these goals.

[Quran 45:22] God created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose, in order to pay each soul for whatever it earned, without the least injustice.

[Quran 51:56] I did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Me alone.

Consider an example from this world, if a company like Ford or Toyota had a mission to build quality cars, people would think they were being foolish if they got into the business of providing haircuts. Similarly, if they used their money on non-productive activities or worse—had no business plan at all, not many would consider they had a longer-term chance of success.

Since the Hereafter is so much more important than this life, does it not make sense that we should organize our lives to fulfill our goal for reaching God’s Kingdom?

Read more at: What is Your Goal In Life?


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lessons from Honeybees

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Honeybees choose a new home by due consultation, and a process of consensus building that's quick and effective by God's design. How effective? They end up making the right choice some 90-95% of the time according to Professor Thomas Seeley.

The process honey bees use to choose their home reminds us of a variety of Quranic principles that God recommends for us in our lives and our decision-making. In Chapter 42 of the Quran (title: Consultation, or Al-Shoora in Arabic), God encourages the believers to decide their affairs by due consultation (Quran 42:38).

For this democratic process to work, we need to uphold the truth and be absolutely equitable when bearing witness (Quran 2:177, 5:8). Another helpful trait, is that scout bees (who are usually elder and more experienced) do not blindly follow what another honey bee is saying—they verify the information for themselves (Quran 17:36). Finally, we see that the bees are not fanatical or egotistical about their viewpoints. Once they have presented the hive and how good they think it is, they are open-minded and willing to accept other viewpoints and be part of forming a consensus with the rest of the hive, even if it is not the opinion they originally presented.

All of these fall into traits God recommends for humans, and important for a successful democracy:

  • truthfulness (3:17)
  • killing one’s ego (2:54)
  • not insisting on our ways despite the proofs (98:1)
  • seeking the truth rather than being wedded to one’s personal opinion (38:26)
  • regarding one’s associates (4:36)

To conclude with a few verses from Quran on bees and consultation.

The Bee

[Quran 16:68-69] And your Lord inspired the bee: build homes in mountains and trees, and in (the hives) they build for you. Then eat from all the fruits, following the design of your Lord, precisely. From their bellies comes a drink of different colors, wherein there is healing for the people. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who reflect.*
*16:69 Besides its recognized nutritive value, honey has been scientifically proven as a healing medicine for certain allergies and other ailments.
[Quran 42:38] They respond to their Lord by observing the Contact Prayers (Salat). Their affairs are decided after due consultation among themselves, and from our provisions to them they give (to charity).


Related Articles


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Homosexuality condemned

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

God uses the story of the people of Lot to prohibit homosexuality in the Quran.

[Quran 7:80-81] Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination; no one in the world has done it before! "You practice sex with the men, instead of the women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people."

[Quran 26:165-166] "Do you have sex with the males, of all the people? "You forsake the wives that your Lord has created for you! Indeed, you are transgressing people."

In Lot's time, God annihilated the community for the multitude of sins they committed (29:28-35). The Quran does not lay out individual punishment for those who practice homosexuality, however people who choose to actively step out of God's kingdom--pay the price for taking Satan as their lord and protector.
For example, HIV is far more prevalent among male homosexuals
Also, homosexuals are 1.9 times more likely to have cancer

The act of homosexuality is condemned. However, God does not permit oppression or aggression against people for their peaceful choices.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

New discoveries on fungi–praise God for His infinite variety


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

God's design of the heavens and the earth, and the huge number and varieties of species He placed on this planet are signs for people (Quran 16:8-13, 41:53). Shouldn’t natural selection have gotten rid of many of these species? Some are fragile and barely have a reason for hanging around, and others of course man took care of in his indiscriminate selfishness and lack of care of the planetary resources. But God Creates, and God chooses.

In further proof of how little we know, an entirely new branch of fungi (which may double the known kingdom) was recently discovered by British biologists. Praise be to God. How many more such creatures are out there? And how much more do we have yet to learn and discover by God’s leave?

[Quran 16:8] ... Additionally, He creates what you do not know.

Knowing God

[Quran 10:61] ... Not even an atom's weight is out of your Lord's control, be it in the heavens or the earth. Nor is there anything smaller than an atom, or larger, that is not recorded in a profound record.

[Quran 55:10] He created the earth for all creatures.

Article on Masjid Tucson about God's infinite Variety ( )

On a related note, Submission-World is a website on God’s creations, the beauty and signs around us.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Mathematical Miracle of Quran

The mathematical miracle of Quran is a powerful proof from God (Quran 74:30-35). Those who submit to God recognize this proof and their faith is strengthened (74:31). The proof based on the number 19 is present throughout the Quran, beginning at Chapter 1.

[Quran 74:30] Over it is nineteen.
[74:35] This is one of the great miracles.

The first chapter (sura) of the Quran is titled "The Key" (Al-Fatehah). It is short (7 verses), but contains strong mathematical signs. It is the chapter that Submitters (Muslims) recite in their Contact Prayers every day.

The Miracle of Miracles


Monday, May 2, 2011

Heaven and Hell

A key understanding in Quran is that the absence of God is Hell (19:71-72). Heaven, by contrast, is defined by our closeness to God.
Everyone Sees Hell*
[Quran 19:71] Every single one of you must see it; this is an irrevocable decision of your Lord.
[Quran 19:72] Then we rescue the righteous, and leave the transgressors in it, humiliated.
*19:71 As detailed in Appendix 11, we will be resurrected prior to God's physical arrival to our universe. That will be a temporary taste of Hell, since the absence of God is Hell. When God comes (89:22), the righteous will be rescued. See 19:72.
[Quran 56:10-12] Then there is the elite of the elite. They are those who will be closest (to God). In the gardens of bliss.

A question people sometimes have is regarding the materialistic descriptions of Heaven and Hell in the Quran. The descriptions of Heaven and Hell throughout Quran are allegorical. And the Quran tells us so whenever such descriptions occur as independent statements, not within a general subject. See 2:24-26, 13:35, and 47:15. The word "Mathal" (allegory) is used in these verses. Linguistically, the word "Mathal" in these verses can be removed, and we still have perfect sentences. But it is there because the descriptions of Heaven and Hell are allegorical.
Thus, it is not about literally getting everything the hearts desire and the eyes wish for (Quran 43:71), but rather describing the extent of happiness and bliss in heaven.
The worldly analogies are the closest we can get to understanding how much joy and happiness await those who make it back to God’s Kingdom and Paradise. Because, in truth—we have no idea how wonderful it is (Quran 32:17).
Heaven: Indescribably Beautiful
[Quran 32:17] You have no idea how much joy and happiness are waiting for you as a reward for your (righteous) works.
More on the Day of Resurrection, and Heaven and Hell.

Submission (Islam) and Bin Laden's death

Capital Punishment, when is it justified?

Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, was killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan. Bin Laden was best known as the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which killed close to 3,000 innocent people. Over his lifetime, he was likely responsible for the deaths of many others.

Terrorism has no place in Submission (Islam), and the Quran condemns the killing and oppression of innocents in the strongest language.
Grossness of Murder
[Quran 5:32] ... anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. Our messengers went to them with clear proofs and revelations, but most of them, after all this, are still transgressing.

[Quran 17:33] You shall not kill any person―for GOD has made life sacred―except in the course of justice. If one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed the limits in avenging the murder, he will be helped.

The Major Commandments
[Quran 6:151] Say, "Come let me tell you what your Lord has really prohibited for you: You shall not set up idols besides Him. You shall honor your parents. You shall not kill your children from fear of poverty―we provide for you and for them. You shall not commit gross sins, obvious or hidden. You shall not kill―GOD has made life sacred―except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."

While the Quran generally discourages capital punishment (2:178), murder is one of the few instances in which capital punishment is permitted. The verse after 5:32, we see an explanation of when capital punishment may be permitted.
Capital Punishment: When is it Justified?
[Quran 5:33] The just retribution for those who fight GOD and His messenger, and commit horrendous crimes, is to be killed, or crucified, or to have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or to be banished from the land. This is to humiliate them in this life, then they suffer a far worse retribution in the Hereafter.
For those who commit gross offenses, capital punishment in this case provides justice and sets an example to deter future murders. Of course, the punishment in Hell in the Hereafter is far worse, beyond what we can imagine.

The Quran makes it clear, there is no excuse for murder and taking the life of an innocent person. Submitters to God (Muslims), particularly loathe terrorism, and do not condone murder or oppression of any kind (Quran 2:217). Many righteous people, including God's messengers have been killed for their religious beliefs (Quran 2:87, 85:4-8). The Messiah, Jesus, is the most well-known example of a prophet of God being tortured and executed because of the message he preached. In the not too distant past, Rashad Khalifa, God's messenger of the Covenant, was martyred for his teachings in one of the earliest acts of so-called "Islamic terrorism" in the USA. The killers reportedly had ties to Al-Qaida.

While killing a murderer does not does not bring the victims back or undo the original crime, it is permitted by God under certain circumstances if the Law of Equivalence is upheld.

Discouraging Capital Punishment*
[Quran 2:178] O you who believe, equivalence is the law decreed for you when dealing with murder―the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the female for the female. If one is pardoned by the victim's kin, an appreciative response is in order, and an equitable compensation shall be paid. This is an alleviation from your Lord and mercy. Anyone who transgresses beyond this incurs a painful retribution.
[Quran 2:179] Equivalence is a life saving law for you, O you who possess intelligence, that you may be righteous.
*2:178 The Quran clearly discourages capital punishment. Every kind of excuse is provided to spare lives, including the life of the murderer. The victim's kin may find it better, under certain circumstances, to spare the life of the murderer in exchange for an equitable compensation. Also capital punishment is not applicable if, for example, a woman kills a man, or vice versa.
To conclude, while capital punishment is discouraged in Quran, in certain cases it serves justice. When an individual who fights God and His messenger, and commits horrendous crimes is involved, God tells us in Quran 5:33 that capital punishment is justified. To conclude, the operation to kill Bin Laden, is not against God's law in Quran, and it is in the cause of justice from a Submission-related (Islamic) perspective.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lottery, forbidden in Submission (Islam)

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Over half of Americans buy a lottery ticket or gamble at some time during the year. Common sense tells most people they are unlikely to win. Yet, notwithstanding reason, people wish to become extremely fortunate and "get rich quick" with their current gamble.

God prohibits gambling (2:219, 5:90-91) and tells us there is no shortcut to success. Human beings have to work hard to redeem themselves (90:4).

Further, riches here are fleeting (76:27). The truly fortunate ones in God's system are those who attain paradise (11:108).

[Quran 90:4] We created the human being to work hard (to redeem himself).*

[Quran 11:108] As for the fortunate ones, they will be in Paradise. Eternally they abide therein, for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, in accordance with the will of your Lord--an everlasting reward.

God willing, a righteous nation will enjoin people from unproductive economic  decisions such as the lottery and gambling. And help them focus on the growth of their souls.

A good article on the subject of what the Quran says about national policy is: What Price Great nation


Friday, April 29, 2011

As you sow, so shall you reap?

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Las Vegas is known for promoting all kinds of sins and vices in their community, notably gambling. The Quran strongly condemns gambling and intoxicants (ref: Drugs and Alcohol in Islam), calling them the abominations of the devil (5:90).

In an interesting correlation, Dr. Matt Wray a Professor at Temple University, has found that the city of Las Vegas has the highest suicide rate in the USA (featured at:  Clearly, the choices people make, affect their happiness.

Intoxicants and Gambling Prohibited
[Quran 5:90] O you who believe, intoxicants, and gambling, and the altars of idols, and the games of chance are abominations of the devil; you shall avoid them, that you may succeed.

Murder, Suicide, and Illicit Gains Prohibited
[Quran 4:29] O you who believe, do not consume each others' properties illicitly? only mutually acceptable transactions are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. GOD is Merciful towards you.

Intoxicants and Gambling  Prohibited*
[Quran 2:219] They ask you about intoxicants and gambling: say, "In them there is a gross sin, and some benefits for the people. But their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit." They also ask you what to give to charity: say, "The excess." GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect,
   *2:219 The world now recognizes that the economic benefits from manufacturing alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs are not worth the traffic fatalities, brain damage to children of alcoholic mothers, family crises, and other disastrous consequences. Check with "Alcoholics Anonymous" and "Gamblers Anonymous" for more information. See also 5:90-91.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Submission (Islam), a Universal Religion

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

The joke goes, Heaven must be empty--since every religion is busy condemning the rest of the world to Hell. So, who's left to make it to  Heaven?

According to the Quran (2:62, 5:69), anyone who fulfills the following 3 criteria: (1) belief in God, (2) belief in the Hereafter, (3) leading a righteous life.

Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who
(1) believes in GOD, and
(2) believes in the Last Day, and
(3) leads a righteous life,
will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
             [Quran 2:62, 5:69]

Logically, if you don't believe in God or Heaven, you don't care about making it there. And if you believe (paying more than lip-service), you will do your best to lead a righteous life. Thus the Quranic criteria are both logical and inclusive. All praise be to God. He is the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

If you've felt this way all along, you may already be a submitter to God.

In the future, God willing, more on Heaven and Hell.

Death, what does Submission (Islam) say about it?

 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

Death is a great mystery to most people. Not so for the students of the Quran. We learn that death is exactly like sleeping; complete with dreams (6:60, 40:46). The period between death and resurrection passes like one night of sleep (2:259; 6:60; 10:45; 16:21; 18:11, 19, 25; 30:55).

[Quran 6:60] He is the One who puts you to death during the night, and knows even the smallest of your actions during the day. He resurrects you every morning, until your life span is fulfilled, then to Him is your ultimate return. He will then inform you of everything you had done.

Further, we learn from Quran: The Righteous do not really die, they go straight to Heaven. What great news (2:25)!

The Righteous Go Straight to Paradise*
[Quran 36:26-27] (At the time of his death) he was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "Oh, I wish my people knew. That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable."
*36:26 The righteous do not really die; they simply move on to the same Paradise where Adam & Eve lived. They join the prophets, saints, and martyrs in an active and utopian life.

Death, a Quranic perspective.

Uprooting Terror

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace be upon you,

“Islamic” terror continues to be propagated by so-called “muslim scholars”. Ironically the scholars claim to follow Prophet Muhammad.  Nothing can be further from the truth. God revealed the Quran through Muhammad to eradicate the era of unjust aggression and ignorance.The same scholars will tell you that in his life, Muhammad did not fight wars of aggression, instead he only fought in self-defense (Quran 2:190-193). Ironic, isn't it? In their quest for power, the mullahs have it all wrong. They would do well to reflect on what the Quran clearly teaches.

[Quran 10:57]  O people, enlightenment has come to you herein from your Lord, and healing for anything that troubles your hearts, and guidance, and mercy for the believers.

[Quran 7:28] They commit a gross sin, then say, "We found our parents doing this, and GOD has commanded us to do it." Say, "GOD never advocates sin. Are you saying about GOD what you do not know?"

[Quran 2:190] You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.
*2:190 All fighting is regulated by the basic rule in 60:8-9. Fighting is allowed strictly in self-defense, while aggression and oppression are strongly condemned throughout the Quran.

Read the full article on uprooting fundamental Islamic terror.

Peace and Welcome!

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

God willing, this blog will contain posts on Submission to God (Islam, in Arabic). May God guide us to say and do the things that please Him.


[Quran 94:7-8] Whenever possible you shall strive. Seeking only your Lord.